We offer world class telecommunications infrastructure services in Hungary

About CETIN Hungary

CETIN Hungary owns and operates one of the major telecommunications network infrastructures in Hungary with close to 3900 base stations across the country.

Thanks to our innovative partnerships, best in class employees and customer driven approach, CETIN Hungary’s objective is to provide a superior customer journey and outstanding performance by driving sustainable technology development and anticipating tomorrow’s needs today.

CETIN Hungary’s scope of business includes network planning and operation, transmission, data centre, IT infrastructure and security services.

With almost 200 CETIN Hungary employees, 24/7 support and extensive infrastructure deployment, CETIN Hungary has become one of Hungary’s most robust forward-looking provider of wholesale and business services.

Today, Telenor Hungary exclusively runs all its active and passive non-core mobile technology on our network.

CETIN Hungary’s 4G telecommunications infrastructure covers 99.9 % of the Hungarian population via its close to 3900 base stations across the country.

CETIN Hungary is also committed to become a major stakeholder in enabling the affordable introduction of 5G in Hungary. Representing one of the most exciting improvements in next generation mobile networks, 5G will bring higher speeds, more capacity and coverage, lower latency and a much higher reliability then previously enjoyed on 4G networks. CETIN Hungary’s predecessor organization has already held 5G trials in 2019 and is confident that as a neutral party, it is one of Hungary’s best positioned organizations to support the roll-out of 5G.

Our management

The company is its talented and enthusiastic professionals

  • Tamás Ötvös


    Ötvös Tamás 2018-tól kezdve a Telenor Common Operation (Magyarország, Bulgária, Szerbia, Montenegró) vezérigazgatója volt. Több mint 20 év vezetői tapasztalattal rendelkezik a távközlési szektorban. Korábban különböző pozíciókat töltött be a Telenor Csoport európai és ázsiai vállalatainál (Magyarországon, Indiában, Norvégiában és Thaiföldön).

  • Balázs Nagy

    hálózatstratégiai, tervezési és fejlesztési igazgató

    Nagy Balázs 2018-tól kezdve a Telenor Common Operation hálózatlétesítési igazgatója volt. Több mint 25 év hálózatstratégiai és -fejlesztési tapasztalattal rendelkezik a távközlési szektorban.

  • György Gaszmann

    üzemeltetési igazgató

    Gaszmann György 2018-tól kezdve a Telenor Common Operation informatikai infrastruktúra-szolgáltatásokért felelős igazgatója volt. Több mint 20 év tapasztalattal rendelkezik a távközlési szektorban.

  • László Hornok

    kereskedelmi igazgató

    Hornok László 2018-tól kezdve a Telenor Common Operation ügyfélkapcsolati és üzletfejlesztési igazgatója volt. Több mint 20 év tapasztalattal rendelkezik a távközlési szektorban.

  • Levente Simon

    biztonsági igazgató

    Simon Levente 2018-tól kezdve a Telenor Common Operation biztonsági igazgatója volt. Több mint 25 év informatikai és információbiztonsági tapasztalattal rendelkezik a távközlési szektorban.

  • András Oszolik

    pénzügyi igazgató

    Oszolik András korábban a Telenor Magyarország Infrastruktúra Igazgatóságának pénzügyi igazgatója volt. Több mint 10 év tapasztalatot szerzett a pénzügy, a kontrolling és a tanácsadás terén a távközlési szektorban.

  • Anna Hundt

    HR igazgató

    Anna korábbi pozíciója Core HR és Szervezetfejlesztési Osztályvezető volt a CETIN Hungary-nél. Anna több mint 10 év HR tapasztalattal rendelkezik vállalati és ügynökségi oldalon egyaránt, elsősorban a telekommunikációs szektorban.

  • Dr. Balázs W. Tóth, LL.M.

    jogi és megfelelési igazgató

    Dr. W. Tóth Balázs 2020 áprilisától kezdve a Telenor Common Operation jogi és megfelelési igazgatója volt. Több mint 20 éves jogi tapasztalatát és szakértelemét különböző iparágakban szerezte, köztük a távközlés, az IT és a szállítmányozás területén.

  • Zsolt Kozma

    szabályozási és PR igazgató

    Kozma Zsolt 2020 márciusától kezdve a Telenor Common Operation szabályozási igazgatója volt. Több mint 20 év tapasztalatot szerzett közpolitikai és szabályozási, szabályozott infrastruktúra-nagykereskedelem, illetve PR területeken több iparágban, köztük a távközlési és az informatika szektorokban.


CETIN Hungary is a provider of wholesale mobile telecommunications infrastructure and related services as network planning and operation, transmission complimented also by data centre, IT infrastructure and security services and was founded in 2020 after undergoing a legal separation from Telenor Hungary.

The infrastructure separation enabled CETIN Hungary to increase its ability to manage the growing pressure of competition on the telecommunications market but also respond to much greater demand for improved services by consumers. The split from Telenor Hungary gives CETIN Hungary the opportunity to focus even more on R&D, drive and improve better long-term sustainable investments and offer opportunities in network cooperation with operators.

As a technology company, CETIN Hungary is dedicated to improving telco infrastructure deployment, utilization of assets, operations and maintenance with the aim to increase the network quality while the consumer oriented commercial companies, to whom CETIN Hungary offers its infrastructure, may focus even more on their customers and their needs.

This important milestone relies on the experience of an already by facts proven infrastructure split which occurred within the CETIN family. In 2015, the PPF Group, a leading telco group in the CEE, accomplished a successful structural separation between O2 Czech Republic and its spin off CETIN. The infrastructure separation model has proven that it enables each company to streamline its business and pursue more efficient and targeted investments. Today CETIN in the Czech Republic is the largest Czech wholesale provider of mobile and fixed telecommunications services.

Our owner

CETIN Hungary is owned by a joint venture between PPF Group (75 %) and Antenna Hungária (25 %).

About PPF group

PPF Group is an international investment group founded in 1991 in the Czech Republic. The organization invests in multiple market segments such as financial services, biotechnology, mechanical engineering and telecommunications.

PPF Group is present in 24 different countries spanning Europe, USA and Asia. As of 30 June 2019, PPF Group owned assets worth over EUR 47 billion and globally employed almost 150 000 people (as of 31 December 2019).

The headquarters of PPF Group based in Prague, Czech Republic.
The headquarters of PPF Group based in Prague, Czech Republic.

The PPF Telecom Group is a leading telecom player in Central and Eastern Europe. Through acquisition and consolidation, the Group portfolio comprises of five mobile operators, a convergent telco operator and 4 infrastructure operators. CETIN, CETIN Bulgaria, CETIN Hungary, CETIN Serbia, O2 Czech Republic, O2 Slovakia, Telenor Hungary, Telenor Bulgaria, Telenor Montenegro, and Telenor Serbia all fall within the PPF Telecom Group portfolio and play a key role in PPF’s commitment to being a long-term, mid-sized telecommunications owner in the CEE.

Over the last 30 years, over 2,5 billion Czech crowns were donated by the PPF Group to charitable causes.

PPF Group has numerous corporate social responsibility projects in the countries where it operates, focusing its support on three areas in particular: education, arts and science.

PPF group in numbers

  • founded in


    in the Czech Republic

  • present in



  • employees


    thousand people

  • Assets worth of


    billion EUR


CETIN Hungary owns and operates one of the largest 2G/3G/4G/4,5G telecommunication network infrastructure in Hungary. Thanks to our innovative partnerships, best in class employees and customer driven approach, CETIN Hungary’s objective is to provide a superlative customer journey and outstanding performance by driving sustainable technology development and anticipating tomorrow’s needs today.

CETIN Hungary’s 4G telecommunications network covers 99,9 % of the Hungarian population via its close to 3900 base stations across the country.

CETIN Hungary’s 4G telecommunications network infrastructure covers 99,9 % of the Hungarian population via its close to 3900 base stations across the country.


4G & 4G Advanced

LTE technology (Long Term Evolution), launched in 2015, has reached an outdoor national coverage of 99,9 % of the population. This technology represents the fourth generation of mobile networks (4G) and provides customers with unique experience in using the services which demand high speeds of data transfer, as well as faster access to applications, such as video contents (Youtube, streaming, mobile TV, etc.), watching high-quality video files (up to 4K format), music streaming, uploading and downloading files, photos and other contents.

CETIN Hungary’s 4G Advance infrastructure is a combination of various features and functionalities from the 4G network, which enables faster web search. Excessive speeds are achieved by aggregating multi LTE carriers and utilizing available spectrum.


The 3G network was commercially launched in 2005 and has reached an outdoor national coverage of 96,5 % of the population. The entire 3G network supports HSPA+ 42 Mbps technology. The maximum theoretical data transfer speed is 42 Mbps on downlink and 5.76 Mbps on uplink. This will enable users to browse the Internet at real average speed between 10-20 Mbps and about 1 – 3 Mbps on uplink with modem for HSPA+ 42Mbps technology.

HSPA+ (Evolved High Speed Packet Access)

HSPA+ technology represents the last step in the evolution towards 4G systems and currently provides largest throughputs in the CETIN Hungary network with much greater capacity and reduced lag. It provides the best Internet experience, and ten times faster data transfer compared to the period before network renovation.


2G has been in operation since 1994, for voice and currently as the data access technology for legacy m2m/IoT devices. Our 2G network has reached 99,8% national population coverage.


5G represents one of the most exciting advancements in next generation mobile networks in the history of mobile telecommunications. 5G will bring customers higher speeds, more capacity as well as coverage, lower latency and a much higher reliability then previously enjoyed on 4G networks.

CETIN Hungary is committed to preparing the introduction of 5G to Hungary, and while there is no concrete date yet set, it is confident that it will manage the roll-out of 5G effectively and efficiently.


The CETIN Hungary network is stable and reliable, data and privacy are secured and protected. By using the latest technology and carefully designed work processes, our network provides you with safety, in line with highest industry standards.